How do I get started? Step 1
Welcome to TWD Hosting To get started with using your new TWD hosting account, you'll need an explanation of the basic process of getting your Web site up and running. We will start by assuming that you have just created a brand new TWD account using our setup process. In step 1, we will discuss domain names, how they work, and how to transfer them over. Step 2 will discuss the hosting account and account letter. And Step 3 will discuss online help solutions. Let us begin with domain name, how they work, and how to transfer one over. What is a "Domain Name" ? A domain name is an address. It is the URL. It is also known as your website address. An example of a domain name is twdhosting.com. What does it do? A domain name is more like a map than anything else. It tells computers where to go to find your site. For example, when your computer tries to go to www.twdhosting.com, the request is sent through your internet service provider's DNS (domain name server) Database. So your web browser (the program you surf the web with) sends a request to go to www.twdhosting.com. Your ISP checks their DNS Database and finds that the domain name of www.twdhosting.com really points to TWDHosting. It then takes your browser to the correct hosted website. What is a registrar? A registrar is a company that registers your domain name for you. If you chose the "New Registration" option during the account setup, your domain registrar is OnlineNic or OpenSRS. You will, however, have to contact TWD Hosting for any updated you need to have done to your domain name. If you chose the "Transfer Domain" option, then your registrar can be a number of different companies out there. If you don't know who your registrar is, contact your old hosting company. Sometimes they may act as a reseller for a domain registrar and in those cases you'll need to contact the hosting company for changes to the domain name. New Registration All new domain registration will take place immediately following the credit card authorization. Your domain should be up and running approximately 2 to 3 days after you register with TWD Hosting. There is no way to expedite this. The reason for the length of time is because all internet service providers (company you use to get internet access) need a chance to catch up to the domain addition. Once the domain is added to your ISP's DNS Database, your site will be up and running. At this point, you'll need to just wait until your domain is ready. What better thing to do with your time than read about all the things you'll need to know. If you registered with TWD at least three business days ago, and your domain still has not shown up, please contact us immediately so we can find the issue and resolve it as soon as possible. Domain Transfer Domains that are being transferred may take 3 to 7 days to become available. Remember, that TWD only attempts to transfer ownership of the domain if you request it. If you rather keep the ownership with the current registrar, you need to contact them and update your name servers. This part of the setup is crucial to the proper set up of your domain. You can use any of the following name servers: ns1.mytwd.com ns2.mytwd.com Primary: ns1.securehostserver.com Secondary: ns2.securehostserver.com Primary: ns1.accountsupport.com Secondary: ns2.accountsupport.com
How do I get started? Step 2
Account Setup Be sure you have read Step 1 in Getting Started so you have a complete understanding of Domain Names. Step 2 will introduce the account setup letter and how it works. Let us begin. When do I get my account info? Within the first 6 to 24 hours (1 business day) you will receive an "account letter" which will include all of your account settings. Once you receive the letter you can get started. If you registered over 2 business days ago and still have not received an account letter, please contact us so we can resolve the issue as soon as possible. What is all the stuff in this account letter? The account letter is presented with 7 separate sections designated by numbers 1 through 7. We have a brief description of what each section is for: Section 1: Account Information This section provides you with your username, password, and hostname. The hostname is only used until your domain name becomes available. Once your domain is ready, you need not use the hostname. You will use the username and password when logging into your control panel, checking mail, connecting to FTP, and when verifying account security. Your hostname can be used to upload your files, secure your site, or access your temporary URL. All of these are discussed in later sections of this help. Username: your user name Password: your password Host Name: ftp.yourdomainname.com Section 2: Account Management TWD Hosting customers receive a state of the art control panel. This control panel allows our customers to perform many complex functions with a click of a button. This is part of our ongoing goal to make web hosting easier to use without cutting out important features. To access your account control panel before your domain name is ready, please visit: http://twdhosting.com. You will see Control Panel Login form located on the right side of our website. To access your control panel after the domain is available, please visit: http://domainname.com/vdeck Section 3: Temporary Address Before your domain name resolves (points over to our servers), you may want to check to see what your website looks like. Many customers upload their files before the domain is ready so they have no downtime. Others upload their files before they transfer the domain to our servers for the same reason. To access your temporary URL, you will need to use your hostname and username. The website to get to your temp URL is: http://username.accountsupport.com (remember to replace the # with your hostname and the username with your username) The temporary address is also used to SSL Enable your site. This means that you can have the lock in the bottom of your browser showing your visitors that your site is secure. To do so, you would use the same temp aaddress, but use https instead of http. The example is show below: https://username.accountsupport.com (remember to replace the # with your hostname and the username with your username) If you rather use your domain name instead of the hostname to secure your site, you must purchase an SSL certificate from TWD Hosting. NOTE TO FRONTPAGE USERS: You will not be able to use the hostname to publish your site. You must wait for the domain name to be ready before you can do so. Also, securing your files and folders with SSL is not available with FrontPage built sites that require extensions unless you purchase an SSL Certificate from TWD Hosting. Section 4: Email Management Email is an important part of everyday business. TWD allows you to create up to 2000 email accounts with our standard $7.95* a month price plan. We also offer a default account. This default acts as a catch-all. This means that any mail sent to any address at your domain name, that does not exist, will go to this catch-all. This section of the account letter provides your default username, password, and POP and SMTP servers. The POP and SMTP servers are bits of information required by email clients (programs) in order to send and receive email. Your POP and SMTP servers are: POP3: mail.yourdomainname.com SMTP: mail.yourdomainname.com Section 5: Domain Name Information This section is a repeat of the 2nd letter you received entitled Domain Transfer Info. It is here to reinforce the importance of having your domain point to TWD's name servers. We also provide the name servers in case you missed them in previous emails. Please read Step 1 in getting started for more information on Domains. A. New Domains If you registered a new domain with us upon ordering hosting service, it will be available to you in 24 to 48 hours. Until that time, you will be able to access the account through the Host Name as recommended in section II of this document. B. Transfer of Existing Domain Names If you already have a domain name and selected "Transfer" on the order form, we will send you the appropriate materials and instructions for contacting your registrar and completing your domain name transfer. In fact, you should have received that info before you receive the account letter. If you are already familiar with this process, please use one of the following DNS information to transfer the domain: Primary: ns1.mytwd.com Secondary: ns2.mytwd.com Primary: ns1.securehostserver.com Secondary: ns2.securehostserver.com Primary: ns1.accountsupport.com Secondary: ns2.accountsupport.com Section 6: Path Information This section is only important to you if you are a programmer. Section six of the account letter provides path information on how to get to certain CGI libraries, as well as some modules. It also provides absolute paths to your folders. Again, this is only used in programming or web development. Standard users may never need this info.
Logging into Vdeck
Please use Control Panel Login form located on the right side of our website.
Also Note: In order to log into vDeck, ports 8087 and 8080 must not be blocked on your computer.
Logging into WebMail
Step 1:
Please use Email Login form located on the right side of our website. OR Open your web browser and go to http://webmail.domainname.com/ (be sure to replace domainname.com with your domain name) Step 2: You should see the vDeck WebMail system login page. Type in your email id, the domain name, the password and click Login. Step 3: You should now be logged into the webmail system. For a screenshot walkthrough of these settings, please visit Interactive Tutorials click vDeck Shared, then choose Email, and click Logging into WebMail.
How do I administer my domain name?
When you sign up for a domain name through TWD, we take care of any changes you need for the domain name. Should you ever want to make the changes yourself, you can do so through the domain's control panel. To log into the control panel for your domain, simply visit:
twdhosting.com Enter your username, your password, and log in. Thru domain Manager section of our control panel you can manage your domain name anyway you want including DNS changes, domain pointing, unlock and locking domain names. All tools you need for domain management can be found after logging your account hosting panel. Important Note: We strongly recommend that you let us handle the domain name changes. If you are not fully familiar with how it works, you may stop the domain name from functioning. If you have any questions, or need the domain control panel unlocked, please email support@twdhosting.com.
Who owns the domain name if I register it through you?
The owner of any domain registered through TWD is the customer that is registering the domain. Unlike some companies, we do not take ownership of your domain. This allows you to make changes to the domain at any time because YOU are the legal owner of the domain name.
How do I transfer my domain from my current registrar to you?
When you first choose to transfer a domain to TWD, we do not automatically become your registrar. When you choose "transfer" during sign up, a Domain Transfer e-mail is sent to you with instructions on changing your registrar to TWD.
If you do not have access to that e-mail, please contact support@twdhosting.com in order to initiate the registrar transfer. Before a registrar change can be made, the following MUST be true: 1) The domain whose registrar is changing must have been active for at least 60 days. An expired domain or a new domain registered less than 60 days ago cannot be transferred to a new registrar. These are not TWD's policies, these are the policies of ICANN, the organization that oversees all domain name registrations. 2) You must have access to the ADMIN email address listed in the domain's WHOIS entry. When a transfer of registrar is initiated, an email from the current registrar is sent to the admin email address to confirm that the owner of the domain accepts the registrar change. 3) The domain CANNOT be in a LOCKED status. If it is, please contact the current registrar, have them unlock the domain, and then request a registrar transfer.
How much does my domain cost after the free year?
If you received a domain name for free and wish to renew it without the package it came with, the cost is $19.99 USD. If you are renewing the domain along with the package (such as hosting), then the domain name cost will be $12.99.
If you wish to renew for more than one year, or have questions regarding the renewal, please contact sales@twdhosting.com.
550: Relaying Not Allowed (port 25)
550: Relaying Not Allowed error can occur for many reasons and it occurs when sending e-mail.
The most common reason is that the ISP (the provider of the internet connection) has blocked the outgoing mail server port from third parties. This means that when you try to send out a message using your ISP's SMTP server, it will go out fine. But, when you try using a third party SMTP (such as your domain's smtp server), you will see this error. ISPs block port25 in order to combat spam and fraud. By forcing all their users to send email out through their SMTP server, they can better monitor the activity of their users (should they ever need to). You have two choices. One, call the ISP and request that they unblock port25. Most will not do so, but some will. Two, you can use your ISP's SMTP server to send out email, and your domain's POP3 to receive. You will need to contact your ISP to find their SMTP server. As long as your settings are configured for your domain name (except the smtp), mail will appear as if it is coming from your domain. Another reason this occurs is if outgoing mail authentication is required but not enabled. In very rare cases will checking the outgoing mail authentication option resolve this. Your best option is to use the ISP's SMTP server.
553: Sorry, that domain isn't in my list of allowed rcpthosts
This error occurs when a user tries to send mail and the server blocks the mail from being sent. There a number of reasons as to why this occurs and we will discuss a few of them below.
1) TWD Hosting email is configured to authenticate using POP rather than SMTP. This means that our server verifies who you are based on the incoming mail server, your username, and password. When you check incoming mail, the server opens a gateway of 20 mins where it will allow you to send your mail out to your intended recipients. Should the 20 minutes pass, the server no longer recognizes who you are and will need to verify security again using the incoming mail server. The issue starts when email clients (such as Outlook) have an option set to send messages immediately. When you send a message immediately, your email program skips the authentication (verification) process and tries to send without receiving. If this happens after the 20 minute gateway closes, the server gets stuck because it has no idea which user is sending this email. It then stops, and says (not literally), "I do not know you; therefore, I will not let your mail through". Basically, "553, Sorry, that domain isn't in my list of allowed rcpthosts" means that the server is not recognizing you. So what are some ways to avoid this? We have two easy methods (A and B) to stop this from happening in Outlook and Outlook Express. A. Click Send/Receive before composing an email. This way, you have 20 minutes to send the email and will not see the error. B. (Recommended) You can tell the email client NOT to send messages immediately. This is the recommended method. This way, you compose a message, take as long as you need, click send, and when you're ready to send it out, click Send/Receive. MicroSoft OUTLOOK:
How do I buy a dedicated SSL certificate?
You can order an SSL Certificate through our Additional Services page located in the helpcenter. Or you can request it by emailing at sales@twdhosting.com
NOTE: The ONLY SSL certs installed on our servers are the ones we provide. We do not install 3rd party SSL Certificates. COST: The first year is $129.00 and every year after is $179.00.
Perl CGI - Testing if Perl CGI works
If you are having issues with Perl CGI files and you suspect that the server is to blame, you can try the following test.
1) Create a regular text file and call it test.cgi. 2) In the text file, enter the following lines: #!/usr/local/bin/perl print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print "Hello world!\n"; 3) Save the file and upload it to your public_html or wwwRoot folder 4) Unix/Linux users: Make sure the permissions are set to 755. 5) Go to http://yourdomainname.com/test.cgi (do not forget to replace yourdomainname.com with your domain name) When you go to the URL in step 5, you should see the words "Hello World!". Note: Step 5 will work as long as the domain name is resolving and the test.cgi is in the public_html or wwwRoot folder with appropriate permissions.
PHP - MySQL Connection String
You can use the MYSQL connection string for PHP as shown below. Please be sure to replace the database username (dbuser), password, and database name (dbname). The hostname should be twdhosti.accountsupportmysql.com.
$username = "dbuser"; $password = "password"; $hostname = "twdhosti.accountsupportmysql.com"; $dbh = mysql_connect($hostname, $username, $password) or die("Unable to connect to MySQL"); mysql_select_db ("dbname");
Do your servers support live audio/video streaming?
Our servers allow for HTTP Streaming. This is different than a live continuous (radio broadcast like) stream. In order for you to stream audio or video, the complete rendered video or audio must be uploaded to the server. Coding is required to embed the audio or video into your website. For more information on HTTP Streaming, please visit: RealNetwork's Documentation Note: The information found regarding instructions for streaming only pertains to video/audio streaming with real media files. You are not limited to real media file types.
Additional Domain Names
The main domain is the domain that is attached to the hosting and has all features that the server provides. An Additional domain is just a pointer to that main domain. For example, assume you have a main {A} and an additional of {B}, you can have {B} point to {A} or even point to a sub folder of {A}. Note: The additional domain does not support the features of hosting. It is only a pointer to the main domain. Additional domains do not support email, ftp, etc.
How do I get my domain out of client hold or registrar hold status?
A registrar hold or client hold means that your domain has expired. Regardless of what the expiration date shows, it has expired. If your domain name was registered through TWD, you may e-mail support@twdhosting.com in order to renew the domain name. Please include the domain name and the last 4 digits of the credit card on file for verification. Also, please include your phone number should we need to contact you regarding the renewal.
If your domain was not registered through TWD, and/or TWD did not transfer the registrar over, you must contact your domain's registrar in order to renew the domain name. We will not be able to renew or reinstate an expired domain that was not registered through TWD, or one that does not use OpenSRS/Tucows or OnlineNic as the registrar. Failure to renew during a client/registrar hold will result in a status of "redemption period". The fees to renew under registrar/client hold are the normal fees you pay. To renew under redemption period will cost considerably more.
When does my first 30 days start?
Your first 30 days starts the moment the account is set to approved status. The account is set to approved status when payment is authorized.
What are the email server names and settings for IMAP?
The Email Server Names settings for IMAP are:
What are the email server names and settings for POP?
What is the difference between POP and IMAP?
Unlike POP, IMAP offers a two-way communication between your TWD mailbox and your email client(s). So, when you perform an action on your mailbox, or a message in your mailbox, it is immediately reflected on the email clients and mobile devices and vice versa (ex: if you log into your TWD account, create a new folder, and put a message into that folder, this change will instantly and automatically appear in your email client, such as Outlook, and on your mobile device). Also, if you are at work, and you begin a message, and save it, it will still be there when you log in from a different client, say from home.
IMAP provides a better method to access your mail from multiple devices, say from work, home, and your mobile, through two-way syncing capabilities between your mail clients and the TWD mailbox. However, because IMAP saves all your messages on the server, be sure frequently clean up your mailbox, deleting old messages.
Android Email Setup Walkthrough (IMAP)
Android Email Setup Walkthrough (POP)
Step by Step Walkthrough (IMAP) For Apple
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