How do I transfer my domain from my current registrar to you?
When you first choose to transfer a domain to TWD, we do not automatically become your registrar. When you choose "transfer" during sign up, a Domain Transfer e-mail is sent to you with instructions on changing your registrar to TWD.
If you do not have access to that e-mail, please contact support@twdhosting.com in order to initiate the registrar transfer.
Before a registrar change can be made, the following MUST be true:
1) The domain whose registrar is changing must have been active for at least 60 days. An expired domain or a new domain registered less than 60 days ago cannot be transferred to a new registrar. These are not TWD's policies, these are the policies of ICANN, the organization that oversees all domain name registrations.
2) You must have access to the ADMIN email address listed in the domain's WHOIS entry. When a transfer of registrar is initiated, an email from the current registrar is sent to the admin email address to confirm that the owner of the domain accepts the registrar change.
3) The domain CANNOT be in a LOCKED status. If it is, please contact the current registrar, have them unlock the domain, and then request a registrar transfer.